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Structural batteries on show in Paris

Writer: Matt DawsonMatt Dawson

Brilliant to see a project #Orthotropic has contributed to on display at the #ParisAirShow: Both green and exciting, the GD T70 Moda EV prototype by #GardnerDouglas features structural battery packs by #TheStructuralBatteryCompany.

Prototype GD Moda EV chassis by Gardner Douglas with structural battery by The Structural Battery Company
Prototype GD T70 Moda EV chassis featuring structural battery

In close cooperation with SBC, GD and #CranfieldUniversity, it was a pleasure at #OrthotropicEngineering to contribute to the concept development process and to undertake an #FEA study demonstrating the considerable contribution of the battery arrangement towards overall chassis stiffness.

FE model by Orthotropic Engineering of chassis with structural batteries by
FE model of chassis with structural batteries by Orthotropic Engineering (original CAD supplied Gardner Douglas)

Starting with a CAD model of the chassis supplied by Gardner Douglas, we developed a geometric representation of the structure suitable for meshing in the #FiniteElement environment, before loading and then extracting the necessary results.

We wish all partners in the project the best of luck as they continue to drive towards a sustainable future for motorsport! And of course please do get in touch with us at Orthotropic to find out more about our #composites-focused design, analysis and consultancy services, or indeed to discuss your project requirements.



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